Genesis 43: The Test Of Jealousy

As the last chapter ended, we saw Joseph moaning and groaning about his life and how hard he has it. Joseph's brothers' guilt was exposed to a certain extent, and there was remorse, but there was still much to be finished in their hearts by God's spirit before they would be truly prepared to serve …

Genesis 42: Shoe On The Other Foot

Joseph has been the subject of the last few chapters, and the scripture does not tell us much about Jacob and his other sons during this period. It is safe to assume, they have built their homes, and Joseph is a distant memory in their minds. Jacob probably never stopped mourning for his son. Meanwhile, …

Genesis 41- From Prison to Palace

Do you feel forgotten entirely? Hopeless? Joseph has been in prison for a crime he did not commit. After his experience with the chief butler, which seemed to offer some promise of his possible release, he must have been discouraged. The butler had forgotten him, and although Potiphar knew he was innocent, he could not …

Genesis 26: Like Father Like Son

In last chapter we said farewell to one of the greatest character in scripture. Now our journey continues with Isaac, the promised son. This chapter will teach us a very important lesson on parenting as well as consequence of getting close to SIN. Let's look at this portion of scripture together and learn. There was …