Christmas Sharing: No longer Slaves but Sons

As we get ready to celebrate our Lord and Savior’s birth, I want to bring our focus back to Christ, who is the reason for the season. Most of us are familiar with the Christmas story. We know all about the angels, the shepherds, and the wise men, but today I ask a simple question to you, When did the Christmas story begin? It did not start with the virgin conception; it did not begin with the announcement of the angel to Mary, it did not even begin with the announcement to Zacharias of the coming of John the Baptist, the forerunner of the Messiah, it didn’t even begin with the prophecies of Isaiah who spoke of the coming of this Child. Christmas began where everything started, and that is back in the book of Genesis.

We are familiar with the creation story and the first sin when Satan deceived Eve and how sin entered the world. On that day, Adam and Eve’s fellowship was broken with God because instead of seeking the connection with God, they ran from it and hid. And, as if to seal that permanently, God threw them out of the garden and His presence and put an angel with a flaming sword, to make sure they never tried to get back in. They chose Satan over God the Father and thus became Children of Satan. Genesis 3:15, where God says, speaking to Satan, “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise Him on the heel.”. Here is where the Christmas story starts. This is called a proto evangelical verse—the first mention of the Savior. The question is now that those whom God created to be His children and heirs and to share intimate fellowship with Him and receive His inheritance had violated that relationship and become the sons of Satan, would God do anything to repurchase them? It is crucial to study this verse carefully and understand it fully. If you notice, it says “He shall” a singular, one person, not many. There is a “He” here who will come out of the loins of a woman who will bruise your head. The woman’s seed will be in conflict with Satan. A man from a woman will be born to take back Satan’s domain and redeem those that are captive to his power by dealing Satan a fatal blow. Who is this offspring of a woman? Well, This is the start of the Christmas story and the birth of Christ. The seed was promised in Genesis 3:15. Jesus Christ was born as the fulfillment of that promise. He came to engage in a fatal conflict with Satan that would result in Satan’s destruction and devastation and the liberation of many slaves to become sons of God, which was their intended purpose in the beginning. So Christmas is the start of a battle to reclaim the earth that was lost back in Genesis. Now, a war is a far cry from candy, decorations, Santa clause, gifts, carol singing, etc. But, Christ came to earth, so we may have life eternal. We can once again become sons of God. 

Today, I want to share with those who are born again why we should be thankful and joyful, and for those who have yet to surrender why there is an urgency to do so. Galatians 4: 4-5 “But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born[a] of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.

The expression “the Fullness of time” refers to that time when the word was providentially ready for the birth of Christ. According to history, the Roman world needed a deliverer. The old religions were dying, and the ancient philosophies were empty and powerless. There were spiritual bankruptcy and spiritual hunger. God was preparing the world for the arrival of His son. From the secular point of view, the Roman empire itself helped prepare the world for the Savior’s birth. Romans built roads that connected city with city and all cities ultimately with Rome. Because of the Roman and Greek conquest, Latin and Greek languages were known across the empire. The first Christmas was not an accident but rather an appointment. It was a fulfillment of prophecy first mentioned in Genesis and repeated throughout the Old Testament. He came in fullness of time, much like He is coming back in the fullness of time. Prophetically it was a fullness of time, and politically it was time, and practically it was time as well. You see, for the first time, there was a postal system. We have roads, a common language, peace in the empire. From the foundation of the world, God put in place a plan for our redemption, and It unfolded in the fullness of time. Trinity is working together to redeem us. Father sent His son, Jesus was willing to come and die, and spirit takes up residence in us to do the work of sanctification. The triune God is all in for our redemption, I ask you, are you? Is this Christmas the fullness of time for you? Is today the day of your salvation? God is working that you be adopted and become a son of God. Are you willing to surrender to Him? Trust Him? This Christmas, why don’t you experience the joy that is only in Jesus. 

Here is what is promised to us—adoption into God’s family. The only way to enter into God’s family is by regeneration, being “Born Again”. The Greek word translated “adoption” is huiothesis, huios meaning “son,” and thesis meaning “position”. It literally means taking the position of the son. Adoption is not the means of entry into God’s family. We enter into God’s family only by being born again. Instead, adoption speaks of our privilege and standing within God’s family. We are not little children but adult sons with all the rights of son-ship. Think of it as Bezos before retiring from Amazon, having no sons would adopt you. You would have a place on the board, salary in seven figures, summer home on Greek Island, Etc. I believe most of us don’t understand the difference between “children of God” and “Sons of God.” We are children of God by faith in Christ. We are sons by adoption with benefits. We enter by regeneration, but we enjoy God’s family by adoption ( Romans 8:1). Now, I want to remind you; this does not make us equal with God as some false teachers teach. We are adopted; He is begotten. We were all in the bondage of sin, and Jesus came to set us free. Look at what you have received in Christ. This is why, despite our circumstances, we should have joy in our hearts today. Yes, it has been a challenging year; yes, some of us are struggling financially, yes, many of us have lost loved ones, yes, many of you are anxious and afraid, worry and doubt have filled your heart, but today I ask you to focus on Jesus. We are on a divine timetable. I believe the fullness of time is near prophetically, politically, and practically for the return of Christ as it was on first Christmas. My ears are in-tuned to hear the trumpet announcing the arrival of Jesus. Are you ready? He is coming back to take us home.  

6 And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, [b] “Abba, Father!”  

An incredible blessing is promised to us. How can we be sad, worried, afraid when the spirit of Jesus Christ is poured into our hearts, and we can call God our “Abba Father.”  

Jesus came to make us sons, sent us His Holy Spirit to confirm that we are sons, and did it all to fulfill His promise way back in Genesis 3:15. The fulfillment of that prophecy comes in verse 7. “Therefore, you are no longer a slave but a son. And if a son, then an heir through God.” What was squandered in the fall of Genesis 3 is restored in the redemption provided by the one who takes us from slavery to son-ship. Now we have our inheritance back, reserved in heaven for us.

I want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas. May you keep your focus on Christ and surrender all to him. God Bless you.

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