Learning To Walk With Christ

for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:
Philippians 4:11 NKJV

How many of you struggle in your Christian walk? In my experience, many times, I feel I am continually making mistakes. Satan is always there to remind you and make you feel guilty each time you slip. Satan always reminds you of your old failings and past sinful behavior. Many Christians struggle with a constant roller coaster ride of faith, fearing maybe I am not living up to the expectation of Christ. We accept Christ, and we are new creatures, but our old nature is always lurking. We struggle with the same shortcomings we did when we were walking in the flesh. Today I want to encourage you to live a victorious life in Christ.Ā 

Paul, who wrote half of the old testament, also struggle with the flesh. Christian living takes practice, and you need to LEARN a particular new attitude. Many of us believe, as soon as we accept Christ, We will wake up one day and magically turn into a different person. But, we all need to learn how to walk in faith. We need to learn how not react in a particular manner. And, this does not come easy us. God provided manna to his people and gave specific instruction not to collect more than what you need yet; many gathered more than they needed. Like Israelite’s, we need to trust God to provide our needs instead of gathering. Gideon learned if God gives you a task, He will equip you. Joshua learned not to be afraid. Abraham learned to wait for God’s timing. There are numerous other examples of God’s chosen people who had to learn to walk with God in obedience and faith. Paul learned to be content, and as we learn in the above verse. I ask you what is it that you need to learn? Do you need to be more faithful? Control anger? Jealousy? Learn to be less anxious? Learn to be more obedient? More loving? Worry less? More prayerful? So how do you learn? Paul tells us how to in few verses later.

Christ:Ā You can do all things in Christ who strengthens us. You see, Paul drew his strength from Jesus, and that is how he was able to learn, and that same Jesus is available to us. In that same strength, we can learn and overcome our struggles. Remember, you did not do anything to earn you salvation, and you don’t have to do anything to keep it. Christ who has started a good work in you will finish that work. The heroes of faith in the Bible were ordinary men like us, they faced the same struggles and temptation we do, but when each time they failed, they repented and continued to walk with God. He will help you get rid of those things that hinder your growth in Christ. He is our rock and redeemer. He will be your strength. Just trust him, and He will teach you all you need to learn and before you know it, Saul in you will be gone, and you will be a new creature like Paul. I hope you are blessed today.

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