Do you believe in God?

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

I want you to take a moment and think about the verse. Do you honestly believe it? If you do not believe the first verse of the Bible, the rest of it is meaningless. If you remove the first verse of Genesis, the rest of the Bible does not make sense. In today’s world, we hear a lot about faith, worship, justification, sanctification, salvation, we are all about the cross and the resurrection, but before you get to all of that, your foundation must be reliable. Your Christianity can not start with the Gospel of Matthew. Genesis is a foundational book, and the first three chapters of Genesis is under constant attack by the secular world. Most of the so-called “intellectual World” laugh at creation and evolution is taught in our schools as truth. Satan wants to discredit the first three chapters of the Bible because if there is no God; there is no garden of Eden, no original sin and thus no need for a savior. We must believe the Bible in its entirety. The word of God, a love letter to us from God, is powerful. It is living word, and thus there have been numerous attempts throughout history to eliminate the Bible. All of them have been unsuccessful. If Bible is just another book, why have so many try to stop the publication of it? As I write this, the Bible is banned in 52 countries worldwide. Quran is not banned; Gita is not banned, no other religious text just the Bible. The only book which is called the Word of God. Men did not write the Bible, but the Holy Spirit wrote it. And thus, it has the power to transform lives, and that is why Satan has made constant effort to discredit the Bible somehow. DON’T STOP READING YOUR BIBLE. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
Satan has been successful up to a certain degree because many believe evolution is how the world was created. Many believe science has an answer for all the question. Of course, they are deceived by Satan but How about you? Do you believe Jesus but have a problem understanding the creation? Do you have a problem accepting some of the accounts in the Bible such as the parting of the red sea, Noah’s ark, and worldwide flood, Exodus from Egypt, ministry of Jesus, His death and resurrection? If you do, your problem starts in Genesis 1:1. If you really believe Genesis 1:1, you will not find it difficult to accept the rest of the Bible. That is, if God really created all things, then He controls everything and can do all things. Before we get to Jesus and being born again, Cleansed of our sin and eternal life, I must ask you, Do you believe in God the Father, creator of all things? Do you genuinely believe in Genesis 1:1? If your foundation is not right, your house of faith is built on shaky ground, and it will fall. This one verse disputes all of the men’s false philosophies concerning faith and salvation. It discredits all other religion and so-called paths to heaven.
It refutes
1) Atheism believes there is no God, but if the universe was created by God, how can that be true?
2) pantheism believes Universe is God, but if God created the world, How can that be true?
3) Polytheism believes in many gods, but if one God created all things, how can that be true?
Without going into details, it refutes dualism, materialism and obviously evolutionism. Nowadays, it is trendy to talk about humanism, but we must remember God, not man is the ultimate reality.
So once again I ask, Do you Believe Genesis 1:1?

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