Jesus -The True Ark

Then the Lord said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation. Gen 7:1

Many Bible translations say “GO” instead of “COME.” You might say what is the big deal? You see God was in THE ARK and he was inviting Noah in the ARK and in turn salvation. Jesus is our ARK, and he is inviting you to salvation. Come all who are tired & weary I will give you rest. Is your world falling apart? Do you see no way out? Is there no hope? Has all forsaken you? Come to Jesus, and he will give you salvation. It is in his grace we have salvation & peace. God wants every one to be saved. He is calling out to each and everyone to come and be saved, Are you ready to come to him as Noah did? it is a step of faith. For a hundred years, people watched Noah built an ARK, and many probably laughed or mocked him, but Noah had faith in the word of God. Although he had never seen a drop of rain or perhaps did not even know what rain is, he believed. Are you ready to believe? Noah entered the ark with his family, and even after that, God gave 7 more days for people to repent. How merciful is our God?
How great is his grace but my dear brothers & sister do not take his patience as a sign of permission to sin or continue to live for worldly pleasure because as it was in the time of Noah the end is coming, and only those who are in the ARK ( Born Again) will be saved. ARK had only one door on the side which you have to enter through. In same way there is only one way JESUS to enter into salvation. ARK was a symbol of what was to come. It is through the blood of Christ we are cleansed which flowed from his side. You want peace? Do you want Salvation? Do you want to be saved? You must be ” BORN AGAIN” there is no other way. Jesus said, No one, can come to the Father except through me. As it was for Noah, so is for you. You can only enter the kingdom of God through JESUS, not by keeping the law nor by your charitable donations nor by attending church regularly or bible study. There is only one way which is to accept Christ as your savior. Is Jesus your Lord & Savior?

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