Do You Love Jesus?

5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Deutronomy6:5

We live during a time where there are lots of options. We are overwhelmed by the numbers of choices. We can stand at the corner of any major city and argue about ten different places we can eat. We have 500 channels on TV. If you want to buy a vehicle, do you want Sedan, SUV, sports car, Hybrid, minivan, Hatchback, and options go on and on. We have options about what we eat, what we wear, what we drive, where we travel, how we entertain, we have choices in term of education, options in terms of recreation. You have a limitless number of choices. This mindset has crept into our spiritual life. We have started to approach our relationship with Christ from the same perspective, and we believe it is ONE of the choices. Many times, it comes down to am I going to spend times in devotion or watch TV, go to church or go shopping, should I pray or get some chores done. In other words, in the world of options, we have forgotten about what is non-optional — we kind of fit God into our life. We all say we LOVE THE LORD WITH ALL OUR HEART MIND AND SOUL, but in reality, our actions tell a different story.
We confess our love out loud, but does it reflect in the way we live. We acknowledge with our mouth our love for Christ but are we doing the things which would prove it? Are they just another series of options along with all the other things of the world and do we find ourselves loving a whole lot of worldly matters as much as we love Christ? We seek a church that suits our thinking. Even in Churches, we have options, and we find one that kind of looks the other way on some sin that we struggle with. So this week I want to draw your attention to OUR SAVIOR JESUS. I want to urge to search your heart and answer for yourself, do you love God with all your heart? The above verse is not a suggestion but a commandment. Therefore, loving God is a matter of obedience. It all boils down to that one commandment, loving your God. It is not possible to love the world and love God. So as you start a new week, choose to love your God instead of being distracted by worldly matters. In Luke 10, the lawyer asks Jesus. How do I have eternal life? And the answer was, “Love your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.” The answer is the same for us today. As we go about our week, keep your focus on having consuming love for Jesus. And there is a reward, and you are promised GRACE. Look what Paul says in Ephesians 6:24, “Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.” Do you love Jesus, sincerely? If not, Change today and walk in obedience. Amen

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