Trust In The Lord

Now this I know: The Lord gives victory to his anointed. He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of his right hand.Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:6-7

Psalm 20 is prayer before going into battle. The Jewish law of warfare required to pray for the king and soldiers ( Deut 20:1-4). In Verses, 1-5 people pray for their king. David, the king, encourages the people in verse 6-8, and both king and People speak to the Lord in verse 9. These days not too many of us go out to fight wars as Israelites did, but we can still learn so much from this Psalm.
We fight a different kind of battles, and we too need to be praying before the battle and praising God after the victory ( Psalm 21). Today, We do not worry about another nation invading us, but we are involved in spiritual warfare. Today, not too many of us riding around in Chariots or horses, but we have our own chariots & horses we rely on to fight our battles. In those days, Chariots represented power and position. The kings rode around in Chariots. In Genesis, we see Joseph rode in the second Chariot. Chariots were equipped with spikes in the wheels, and they cut down people during the battle. Horses represented wealth. Israelites were commanded not to acquire great numbers of horses and Chariots ( Deut 17:16) a law that Solomon disobeyed.
How many of us rely on our position and wealth in the time of our battles? We are always urged to save for house, college, retirement. We look at our portfolio for how well we are doing and the world judges us by our credit score, but our battles are fought by God, and He provides us ALL our needs. Does your mood change according to how the market looks? How many of us worry about paying for things? Kids college? Wedding? Retirement? And, most of us crunch numbers to see if we are in good shape or not. Please, don’t get me wrong, I am not saying we should not save for a rainy day, nor am I saying we should not use our resources wisely. But, all of those earthly things are fleeting and can be wiped out by a bad investment, natural disaster, or an unfortunate event. The world values us by our possessions, but our greatest asset is unseen, which is God our savior. “if God is for us who can be against us” ( Romans 8:31). Christians ( Born Again) don’t boast in their human resources but in God who alone can save them in every situation. So no matter what your battling, put your trust in the Lord. Are you worried about your kids future? Especially the rebellious kid? You can trust your parenting skill, education, pleasant home environment, surround him/her with the best of things or simply TRUST IN THE LORD. Praying for your child and trusting God to work in their life. Do you battle anxiety? Depression? Addiction? Low Self Esteem? Insecurity? Financial hardship? Bad marriage? Divorce? Unsaved spouse? Family? Sickness? Whatever is your battle, you can choose to rely on your chariots and horses, or you can TRUST the Lord. The victory is guaranteed as long as you allow God to fight your battles. Amen


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