Count Your Blessings

11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. Phillippians 4:11

Last Sunday, as I got ready to check out of the hotel and head back home from a nice vacation, once again, my thoughts turned to ALL the work waiting at the office. For a few days, We did not have to worry about cooking, getting chores done, traffic, work, etc. And as much you look forward to coming back home, you feel a bit sad to start the routine of daily life once again. So today, I want to speak to you about the inconveniences of life and all the things we complain about as we go through our day. And I hope this helps you change your perspective on those things we perceive as negative or burdensome, instead we can count them as blessings.

1) Work: we all dread that Monday morning when we have to head back to job but have you ever thought how miserable you would be if you lost that specific job? I bet many of us would be depressed.

2) Traffic: How about traffic going to work? Well, be thankful that you can afford a car and are well enough to drive in a comfortable environment, hopefully listening to beautiful worship music or good teaching on your way. If you commute by train, be thankful you are not stuck in traffic and can relax as you make your way to work.

3) Bills: There is no better sign of blessing than bills. It means God has given you life. You are blessed by home, and that home has a stove and electricity which runs an AC, washing machine, heating. Should I go on?

4) Chores: Do you think a homeless person has tasks? Does he need to take out the trash? Does he need to do dishes?

I can go on and mention a hundred other things that we look at as burdensome, but if we change our perspective, you will see the exact things we complain about are things, others are praying for. What we need to learn is to be content. The real peace and rest we look for can only come when we concentrate on our relationship with Christ; otherwise, no matter what we achieve, we are not satisfied. How many of us started with the dream of owning a home, family, and a six-figure job? Many of us have achieved that yet we are more miserable than we were 20 years ago and we sit and talk about good old days. If somehow you had enough money where you did not have to work, would not have to worry about bills, maids to do your chores and chauffeur to drive you around, we would find something else to be unhappy about. Let’s be thankful for the season we are in. Give glory to God in whatever circumstance He has you in. Let us find the blessing in life’s daily inconveniences. Amen

One Reply to “”

  1. Praise the Lord Jesus for all the blessings in my life and help me live my life content fully. Not to complain for little inconveniences comes in life, but look & wait unto you what you wanna teach me or correct me.


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