A Full Life

This is the sum of the years of Abraham’s life which he lived: one hundred and seventy-five years. Then Abraham breathed his last and died in a good old age, an old man and full of years, and was gathered to his people. Genesis 25:7-8

Life of one of the most fantastic characters in the bible comes to an end. He would later be called “father of faith.” About 13 chapters of Genesis are dedicated to his journey of faith. And the life of Abraham teaches us our journey Of faith. Everyone starts out in religion (including those born in a Christian family), at some point God calls you to walk by faith ( Being Born again) and from there we walk in faith and obedience like Abraham did until we are called home. Like Abraham, we may stumble, fall, or mess up, but God will protect and guide us as long as we trust & obey. Our life is made up of days, not weeks, months, or years. Psalmist says God teach me to number my days that I may gain a heart of wisdom. What is wisdom, according to scripture? Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The world says, wisdom comes with old age, but if you do not know God and his word, all it means is you are an OLD FOOL. One of the greatest misconceptions in the spiritual life is that when we are old, we will automatically be spiritual. I need to know God’s word today. Our journey is called ” Christian Walk.” We walk with Jesus each day; it is not a Christian leap or Christian event, or Christian bounce; it is a walk. It happens one step, one day at a time. Live each day of your life glorifying God, walk with him daily not weekly, not monthly, not just on Christmas & good Friday but daily. Verse 8, The words ” Of years ” is in Italics, meaning the phrase was added later. Thus, the original text reads Abraham, “Died Full.” All of us should want to die full-full of joy & peace. Amen

Excerpt from Genesis 25. Click here to read full chapter teaching Gen Ch 25: Reconciliation

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