New Year Resolution-2018

As we say goodbye to another year and say hello to new, it is a great time to pause and reflect on our lives. Every year, as the calendar changes and we welcome a new year, we all decide to make changes in our lives, hoping they will lead to better, happier, more peaceful life. Majority of us will focus on our physical well-being, finance, maybe finding a significant other or working on our current relationship, giving up a bad habit etc. We all believe, we can improve our lives by our effort and working harder and to a certain degree we can, but if you really want to see a radical change in your life, I suggest you set a spiritual goal. When you start walking according to God’s plan, you will see a supernatural blessing in your life. By no means, I am suggesting “you name it and claim it” prosperity Gospel.

Today, I ask all of you especially to those who are born again, to think about your walk with the Christ. Please reflect on this verse as you set your goals for the new year.

I will also give You as a light to the Gentiles, That You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth.’” Isaiah 49:6

This verse was given to the nation of Israel and some of you might say, what does this have to do with me. What is the definition of a gentile? As I understand it, a gentile is anyone who does not follow the true God Yahweh, one who is outside of the promise of God and basically someone who lives without faith. At one time we were all gentile and you are still a gentile if you are only practicing religion ( even Christian religion) and have not accepted Christ as your savior. You might even be a pastor and might even have your own ministry but if you are not born again, you are a gentile. Look at what Jesus says in Matthew 7 21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ Now, if you are truly born again, have accepted Jesus as your savior and are walking in faith, bearing fruits and walking in obedience then you are commanded to be LIGHT to the Gentiles. Not so they can see how wonderful, holy and righteous you are but so you can direct them to Jesus ( salvation). Some of you might say, I am not Jewish therefore I am a gentile. I like to differ because Bible says otherwise. We are heirs with Abraham by faith. We have a claim to Abrahamic covenant through faith in Christ. Once you are born again, you are no longer a Gentile. Here is how Paul explains it in Galatians 3 26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Personally, this year has been a difficult one for me in many aspects but as I look back, I see the presence of God in each situation and realize how bad it would have been if I did not have Jesus. And, when I take my eyes of all the difficulties and the problems, I realize how much it has helped me spiritually. God has taught me many lessons throughout this year and enriched me tremendously and I feel my faith has grown. I am sure many of you have a similar testimony and like me, you are looking forward to the new year with new hope. I pray that as you look ahead to the new year, set spiritual goals for yourself, make a commitment to your walk with Jesus in obedience and faith. See, how you can be a LIGHT to gentiles, that person might be someone in your family, someone sitting next to you in church, maybe a spouse, parent, child, co-worker, whoever it is, draw them to Jesus that they may have everlasting life.

I thank you all for reading this blog and by doing so you have encouraged me beyond measure. Forgive me, if I have been harsh but I can not compromise the word and it is never directed at anyone as I do not know who is reading, correct me if I have misrepresented the scripture or have taken it out of context. Please pray for me. I pray for all of you as we welcome 2018 that you may see the hand of God in your life and in every situation. The new year brings excitement, new possibilities, a chance to hit a reset button, new challenges, new difficulties, there will be a time to laugh and yes time to cry but we have a blessed hope that in every circumstance; we have a comforter who promises not to leave us or forsake us. I pray that all of us are so focused on God that in

Every storm we see his Correction

Every situation his Provision

Every difficulty his Protection

Every decision his Direction

as you celebrate the new year be an INSPIRATION to someone so they may know Jesus who is our SALVATION.

Happy New Year! May God Bless All Of Us. AMEN.

3 Replies to “New Year Resolution-2018”

  1. First of all, congrats to all on completing one more year in the Bible Study. All glory goes to our Father in heaven. You all are so disciplined in your zeal to learn from the Lord. Though I do not attend the bible study, I almost regularly read the blog as I am on your mailing list. I can say it has helped me in many ways in my walk with Christ. Only one thing I would like to mention is to keep us focused on the bible study and not get distracted by ‘Name it and Claim it’ or prosperity gospel. I am part of that ministry and have learned a lot through that minstry. To me there is only one gospel and that is gospel of Lord Jesus Christ. Firstly, mentioning it does not benefit anyone; only studying the Word of God and doing it will. Everything else is right on the target and I agree with what is being taught as it is taught by Holy Spirit. Let us keep studying the Word of God and keeping doing the Word. I declare the Blessing of God on everyone of you through out the coming year.


    1. Thank you for reading and words of encouragement. I completely agree with you, there is only one Gospel. Whatever I write has only one criteria, Is it according to word of God? Whether you learn from particular ministry or not is not the criteria. You can learn from Catholic Church, they do many good works, same goes for Mormons or Buddhist but in the end they have changed the Gospel of Jesus to fit their mold. To me “name it & Claim it” is in same category. It is my responsibility to warn people of dangers of such ministry. I strongly advice you to look more deeply and join a church which is scripture based and represents true interpretation of Gospel. Prosperity preachers present a Jesus that does not exist. Once again, whatever I write, is not to offend anyone but rather to make them aware of pitfalls of certain doctrines. So I am hoping, that by reading this someone who is following such doctrine as “Name it & claim It”, or catholic church, Or LDS etc, they may see the dangers and falsehood in the teaching and turn away from such ministry.


  2. Praise The Lord for this wonderful challenge. I’m encouraged and pray that God will bring me more closer unto HIM and serve HIM. I’m praying for you as well, that God will use you mightily for HIS glory and Kingdom.


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