Genesis 2

Genesis 2 is a detailed account of day 6 we read about in chapter 1.

As you read the verse 4, you can again see how the plants were watered. There was no rain, so it was not an atmosphere as we know it now. There was no weather like we have now. Remember, there was a water canopy which was created on day 2. It is likely, variation in temperature during day & night created a mist or a dew to water the plants. My purpose is not to discuss how the earth was scientifically at this time but if you are interested in such information or an explanation, I am more than happy to provide you with details.

Verse 7 says Then the Lord God formed a man[c] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

Man, when created was a complete human being. He had a heart, lungs, etc. but he was not a living creature until God put the breath of life in him. Once again, we learn God is the source of life. He breathed into Adam the Spirit. The word used in Hebrew for breath is “ RAUCH” translate into spirit or wind. Now, animals had breath too, but only the man who God breathed into directly the breath of life has the spirit. Thus, we worship our God in the spirit.

Adam was not created in the garden of Eden he was placed there. God planted the garden of Eden for Adam. What a perfect garden that must be. I mean God planted it imagine that. In that garden were 2 trees. These 2 trees are specifically mentioned by name; the tree of life and tree of knowledge of good & evil. Both were planted in the center of the garden.

Please remember Adam was told not to eat from only one tree.

At this point, I am skipping over the part about rivers but if you like more information I am more than happy to provide it. Just keep in mind this is pre-flood geography. The world we know today came after the flood. There is no way to pinpoint the exact location of Eden.

Many have argued, and more have wondered why did God plant the tree of the good & evil?

God is love, and he wanted Adam to love him and obey him because he wants to, not because he had to. That expectation has not changed. Our Father still wants us to love him because we want to. We have to accept Christ on our own. If it is forced on you, it is no longer LOVE. The choice is the essence of love. You choose something because you love it. If there is only one car in this world, you will drive it as you have no choice but if there are 10 cars and, you choose one that shows that you really like that car. God gave us a choice. Today, we all have a choice whether to choose life or death.

Verse 18: God knows our need even before we know it. Adam did not think he was alone until he started naming the animals and all of them came in a pair, and when he was done, he realized I am alone. Now, please don’t think God was looking for a suitable mate for Adam from animals. That is not what verse 19 suggest. At the end of verse 18, it says “I WILL.” This means God had planned for a suitable mate for Adam.

Verse 21 & 22: God created woman from the side of Adam. Just like Adam, she had flesh ( body) and life (soul ) but, she also had the spirit as Adam did. She was also created in the image of God, not in the image of Adam. So we inherited our DNA from Adam & Eve ( yet not named ) our spirit comes from the Lord. Ref verse Zachariah 12:1 & Ecclesiastes 12:7.

So the Bride of First Adam came from his side just like we the church ( bride) of second Adam ( Jesus ) came from his side at Calvary.

Verse 23-24: Now Adam said Bone of Bone & flesh of my flesh, she will be called a woman. It goes on to say that man shall cleave on to his wife. Here, we see the origin of the first marriage. How many marital problems would be solved if man & woman naturally cleaved to each other. It says man shall leave father & mother, this means not merely leave that relationship, but he should be willing to give up his most important things in life for the woman he is married to. Parents here symbolize the most priced relationship in one’s life, and the scripture is telling us to even leave that for a person you are married to.

So to all married people cleave to your wife, to your husband. There is no other human relationship more important than that. Share your feeling with your spouse, not with your friend, mother, sister, etc. Jesus himself quoted this verse when speaking of marriage ( Matthew 19 3-9 & Mark 10 2-12).

Also, marriage is to be between male & female ( Gen 1:27). So, don’t let the political environment of today sway you any differently. Homosexual marriage is not biblical, and those who live in Christ should not support it.
Lesson From Genesis 2

Life comes from God. He breathed the life into Adam.

God knows our needs before we do.

The man was forbidden to eat only the fruit of the tree of good & evil.

We do not know the geographic location of Eden.

Environment & geographic in the chapter is pre-flood and thus not same as today.

First marriage and explanation of perfect marriage.

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