Genesis 1

 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1: 1 is the basis of our faith. If you take away Gen 1:1 the rest of the bible does not mean anything. Our belief is based on the fact there is a God.

This one verse disputes all the false teaching in this world, and you can see why there is so much attack on creations.

A)  Atheism ( there is no God)

B) Polytheism: nature as God. How many time we see people worshipping creation (Sun, moon, Cow) instead of the creator.

C) Humanism: Putting importance on human value rather than divine.

D) Evolutionism: Theory that we were not created by God but over time evolved into different species.

Each of this philosophies is just a different way of questioning the existence of God. It is the same unbelief in the God.

Keyword: created= Men cannot create, only God can. Men can make things but not create.

Day 1: God said let there be light. Do not confuse this with sun or moon. They were not created until the 4th day.

This is the first time God speaks “Let there be Light.” 

The WORD of God brings light and who is the WORD? JESUS

So the father is the source of all things ( Verse 1). The holy spirit is the energizer ( verse 2), and WORD is the revealer of all things ( verse 3). This is how new creation happens.

Day 2 :And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

Now we will come back to this verse at the time of Noah. So there was a dome of water in the sky. This means it was perfect weather on the earth. No ozone layers to worry about. Also notice waters were separated twice, once above and below and then on the surface ( dry land & oceans). Firmament means space also referred to as heaven.

Day 3: first-day life appears on the earth. Grass and vegetation are created. So as we see in new testament third day, Jesus rose from the grave and gave everlasting life to all of us.

Day 4: Sun and moon were created along with stars or universe as we know it. As we know now, this controls the season and signs.

It is important to understand this verse. In Hebrew Bible word “YOM” is used, which almost always refers to a day ( 24 hour period ) or daylight portion never as Period of time. So many who believe that this day mentioned in Genesis are not “DAY” as we know it are incorrect. Each day spoken in Genesis are days as we know it, not geological ages as scientist claim and even some theologians.

day 5  & 6. All the fish in the waters were created as well as animals of the land and finally Adam and woman ( she was not called eve yet). This will be covered in detail in chapter 2.

So is creation right or evolution?

The phrase “AFTER IT”S KIND ” occurs 10 times in the first chapter.

According to bible, God created each according to its kind. No matter how much you try, you can not get men from fish. Scientists have done studies with fruit flies. They multiply very quickly and even after millions of generation, they are still fruit flies. Each species was to reproduce after own kind, not another kind. This directly questions the theory of evolution.

Bible said Earth was round long before anyone suggested it.

There was a dome of water above the earth at some point as they have found palm trees in Antarctica meaning it was perfect tropical weather on the whole planet before the flood of Noah.

Carbon dating used to date the fossil is not accurate.

Evolution is just a theory and many scientists discard it including Sir Issac Newton.

To me, the biggest problem with Evolution is, Where did the first living thing come from?

The only explanation to me is GOD.

The Bible tells us, “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Psalm 14:1; 53:1).

Few things to remember from Chapter #1

GOD created the world. Created it in 6 consecutive days, not over millions of years.

Each day was 24 hours long as we know it not different geological age. Please note geology is based on the study of fossil ( dead things), how can there be fossil if there was no life?

Trees, animals fishes & Adam were all created in full form. It was not small plants or seeds in the ground, they were fully grown trees & plants. Same holds true for the animals and fish of the water. Adam was a full-grown adult.

Light & darkness were separated and then the sun was created to rule the day portion & moon, to rule over the night.

Genesis was written by Moses as were the first 5 books of the bible. God probably gave him the writing when he was up in the mountain for 40 days.

The Book of Genesis is probably the most important book ever written thus this is the book which comes under the most scrutiny of the world.

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