The Bible is God’s word.

Bible is not collection of ancient stories or collection of stories about people trying to find God.

Christ is the center and Heart of bible.

Old testament is an account of nation : Israel

New Testament is an Account of a man Jesus , God’s son who died for our sins.

Everyone should READ the Bible regularly

Everyone should LOVE the bible.

Everyone should strive to LIVE by Bible’s teaching.

The Bible should have the central place in the life of every church and every pulpit.

It is the most beautiful story ever told . it is best guide to human conduct.

The Bible has answer to ALL your questions.

It is a living word.

Bible reading should be basic christian habit.

Accept Bible as it is …Don’t worry about theories of critics it is God’s word and it will not let you down.

Read bible with open mind.

Read it everyday and at same time if possible.

Warning: reading Bible and following all this steps will change your life FOREVER.

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